Ayurveda is the natural healing system of India. In Sanskrit, the word «Ayurveda» means ‘science of life’. «Ayu» means life or daily living, and «Veda» means knowing. Ayurveda helps a healthy person to maintain health, and a diseased person to regain health. It is both a medical and metaphysical healing science. It includes herbal medicines, dietetics, bodywork, surgery, psychology and spirituality. In Ayurveda the creative force ‘Dhanvantari’ the divine healer, symbolizes Brahma.
All Ayurveda literature is based on the Satkya philosophy of creation. ‘Sat’ means ‘truth’ and ‘Kya’ means ‘to seek’, ‘to know’. The ancient Rishis, or realized beings, discovered truth by means of religious practices, discipline and intensive meditations. Rishis and sages like Shushrutacharya, Charakacharya, Vagbaht, Sarangdhar, etc created great commentaries, contributing their efforts and insights to make it available to all of us.
Ayurveda is concerned with eight principal branches of medicine, collectively called ‘Ashtang Ayurveda’. These are pediatrics, gynaecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, geriatrics, otolaryngology, general medicine and surgery. All these medical specialities are addressed according to the theories of the five elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth), the Tridoshas or bodily humors (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), the seven Dhatus or bodily tissues, the three Malas or waste (urine, stool and sweat), and spiritual growth. Any imbalance between the body, mind and environment begins the process of disease. The treatment not only works on the disease but also emphasizes on achieving better health, longevity and awareness.
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